For those of us that remain, is it time to circle the wagons? For those of us that believe in government fiscal responsibility, is it time to load our guns and stand for what we believe? Is this the reason why the Founding Fathers authored the Second Amendment? To protect ourselves from an invasive and intrusive federal government?
Do you have the balls, like the great founders of this country, to stand up for your God given rights? To stand up for Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The size of government has been growing at a historic rate for the past 10 years and it is about to grab us with its iron fist. For those who supported the Bush Stimulus package, and those who support the new BHO Stimulus package what is your reasoning? Isn't your freedom more precious than a handout?
I am ready to defend the great Constitution! I am ready and willing to sacrifice it all for the future of my children. Are you? If we don't act now our children will have to carry the weight of the largest debt in human history on their shoulders.
For those of you that believe that the government is the answer to all of our promblems, please post your comments and describe a successful government program. I look foward to your thoughts.
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