This is were I draw the line. Those of us that believe in freedom of speech, press and religion should be packing our bags for Washington.
I was going to be somewhat tolerant about the liberal agenda but mess with my freedom of speech and guns, watch out!
For those of you who support this wacky idea, you should reflect on the sacrifices that your ancestors have made. Everyday you pass or talk to someone who has served this nation proudly and defended the freedoms that our Founding Fathers provided for us. Do you not realize that if you support this idea that you are spitting in the face of us veterans. What if it is your brother, sister, dad, mom or cousin? Some families have made the ultimate sacrifice, are you going to spit in their face? Are you willing to go that far?
In the words of Hank Williams Jr: I got a shotgun, rifle and a four wheel drive! It's heading eastbound toward Washington, it seats six. Anybody want a ride?
1. No matter how much NRA propaganda is absorbed, the feds (or the evil liberals) are never going to come knocking at our doors collecting firearms. Because, quite frankly, everyone knows the consequences.
2. Freedom of speech isn't going away. Take this blog for example. Try typing about storming the capitol with shotguns and 4x4's in some other, less forward-thinking country.
3. And about storming D.C.: Say you get your wish and destroy every poitician you don't agree with, which is effectively the majority of Washington now as far as I can tell, unless you know how to immediately fix the problems facing our nation that the corpses at your feet couldn't, there's not much of a point.
Overthrowing the government with shotgun weilding, 4x4 enthusiasts doesn't mean we no longer owe China money or that our economy is eroding.
Why isn't the angst you feel directed towards those who let our current state of the union get this bad? Aren't they the ones who crippled our great nation? How dare they. Right? Why aren't the 4x4's heading to Crawford, TX?
Final note. While media bias abounds these days, Fox news is one of the guiltiest organizations. Listening to anyone on that network is as bad as a lefty listening only MSNBC. Biased networks do a disservice to the country. People who watch do so for affirmation, not confirmation. That includes Fox.
Peace, fellow American.
Thank you for the comments Pam, you made some good points. Not so sure about #2. I think you'll see the Fairness Doctrine voted on very soon. As for #3, it was about protest not destruction. Listen to country music much? Our problems will not and cannot be fixed immediately but we all know that more government is not the answer. Our problems started before Crawford TX, they actually started in Arkansas.
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