Is it just me or do you see a resemblance between the Star Wars saga and today's political environment? Is George Lucas the all knowing prophet? Think about it, a senator becomes the Supreme Chancellor (Palpatine) and is granted the highest power in the universe by the governing body (Galactic Senate). Who would have known that he was also the Emperor of Empire. Kinda scary! He controls the Trade Federation, the Bankers Klan, Techno Union and eventually the Clone Army (Stormtroopers).
Meanwhile, there is the Rebel Alliance with the assistance of the Jedi Knights trying to bring balance to the galaxy. I had this thought while watching one of the newest movies in the saga and then I started to assemble the cast:
The Dark Side
Senator Palpatine/Emporer: Barack Obama
Darth Vador: Rahm Emanuel
Count Doku: Joe Biden
Jaba the Hut: Bill Clinton
Gardulla the Hut (Jaba's wife): Hillary Clinton
The Rebels
Luke Skywalker: Bobby Jindal
Princess Leah: Sarah Palin
Han Solo: Shawn Hannity
Chewbacca: Mike Huckabee
Yoda: Ron Paul!
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Pat Buchanan?
Just to name a few, please help with some additions or comments. Remeber a great debate has two sides, it's what keep the balance in The Force!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I think this country doesn't stand a chance until it turns back to God. Our founding fathers built this great nation on Judeo-Christian ethics. Over the years special interest groups have taken over our country and people have become too apathetic. It's like the frog in a pot of water. The frog gets used to its surroundings and eventually is boiled to death. We need to get back to the basic principles of the constitution, and most importantly back to the bible.
To add to your cast of characters...
Rebel Alliance: Christians
The Force: Holy Spririt
Obi-wan Kenobi: Rush
Yoda: Carl Rove
I have found Star Wars, particularly the prequels, have much more in common with the Bush administration.
If you follow the character of Palpatine (Darth Sidious) and his rise to power, it's all achieved through the creation of a war which wasn't necessary but was sold hook, line and sinker to the masses.
As the galactic clone war progresses, individual rights are slowly chipped away, but it's all for the sake of safety. You don't want Osama Bin Laden or Count Dooku to blow up your town or eat your children do you?
Huge businesses close to the sith lord such as the trade federation, corporate alliance and the commerce guilds (Halliburton, KBR, Blackwater, etc.) reap huge financial rewards from the war simply doing what they do best.
Soon a squad of clonetroopers is on every street corner. They're there for your protection... or maybe later to keep YOU from interfering with the government's plans.
Some start to analyze the enormous costs of the war. Those who break rank and speak up in opposition are branded as unpatriotic traitors. By the end, a democratic republic has been turned into an empire ruled with an iron fist... and eventually a death star. If you oppose the empire, they won't bother landing troops to take over your country. They'll just blow up your planet.
That's when the citizens of the galaxy realize that the government that was once for them, now owns them. Hardship and tyranny is spread throughout the galaxy.
Lost your job in this crappy economy? Need work? Start drug-running for gangsters. If Han Solo did it, why can't you?
Luckily, the part where Bush declares himself Emperor and "order sixty-sixes" the hell out of political opposition with blaster fire hasn't happened yet.
As for George Lucas, he's always been a soft-spoken liberal. He has even named some of his villians after republican politicians from over the years.
Viceroy Nute Gunray was named after Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan. Gunray...Raygun...Reagan.
"Either you're with us or you're against us." -W.
"If you are not with me, then you are my enemy." -Darth Vader
Only a sith deals in absolutes.
Nice job on the simile, my friend! I liked your comparison, and will visit again.
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