Monday, December 22, 2008

Not the Government's Job

President Elect Obama says ‘Government can’t do everything’ when it comes to raising a good society. This is the best damn thing I have ever heard come out of his mouth. Now if we can just get him to understand it is not the government's job to do a lot of things.

Couple of quick thoughts and questions to ponder..........Who has the best medical system in the world? Who has the shortest wait time with the best technology? Who has the most qualified and educated doctors, specialist and staff? We do! So why do we need socialized medicine and/or national health care? Really, should I have to pay for someone who eats fast food several times a week and smokes two packs a day to have a bypass?

What industries are remaining that don't have government connections and/or funding in some way, shape or form? I'm having a hard time assembling a list. Does anyone know what the governments true role should be?

The hole is getting deeper and wider.

Please post your comments, let's get the debate started!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For some hints as to what is wrong with our healthcare system, check out this physician's blog: