Thursday, April 30, 2009

Respect is almost gone.......

There are only a couple of things that really burn my ass:

1. Men that do not remove their hat or show honor during the national anthem.
2. Men that do not give up their seat for women who are standing.
3. Cheaters
4. Liars
5. Hipocriates
6. Cowards

I have been deeply thinking about the change of culture in this great nation over the past couple of days. Everything from my brothers service in the military to how respect and honor are being flushed down the drain. Last night I sat a parent oreintation meeting for my son's new school. While the principal was speaking, I had visions of home schooling in my head. I was clearly the minority in the crowd. Conservative, gun owner and probably the youngest. The principal is very wimpy. Not a leader, like the principals when I was a kid. My principals were strong and didn't take any crap from anyone. Kinda like Captain Woodrow F. Call.

Tonight, at my son's choir concert, men sat in their chairs while ladies had to stand in the aisles. Truly pissed me off! Augustus "Gus" McCrae would never have put up with that!

I would love nothing more than to take some of these liberal cowards in our government and society and send them back in time. Maybe to Hat Creek Cattle Company and Livery Emporium in the small dusty Texas border town of Lonesome Dove. Let Gus and Call show them how it's done.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Free Tickets for Robbie Knievel Event

Free Tickets!

My tickets are for the spectator section.

I have four (4) extra tickets for the Robbie Knievel (son of Evel Knievel)
event at the Melon Arena if anybody wants them.

He's going to try to jump a thousand (1,000) Obama supporters with a bulldozer.
Should be a good time. Let me know!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Oath Keepers

Ten orders we will not obey. Click on "Oath Keepers" above to visit the website.

Direct link to YouTube:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Everyone wants to talk about the guns!

Everyone wants to talk about the guns going into Mexico, but nobody is talking about the drugs that are coming into the US. It's a fairly simple process: 1. Anyone in almost any community can acquire some sort of illegal substance. 2. The profit from these sales are distributed through a complex network of money laundering and returned to the drug lords in Central and South America. 3. The drug lords use the laundered money to produce more drugs and buy services (people) and devices (guns) to protect their investment. Repeat steps 1,2 & 3. Simple supply chain.

The media and federal government has decided to target Guns! Based off of emotion. Why not use logic and target the root of the problem, Drugs! Or even better (and less expensive to combat) cut off the supply of cash heading South!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Stars at Night are Big and Bright.......Deep in the Heart of Texas

Let's hear it for the Lone Star State!

Please Texas! be the first to succeed from the union. Have the courage to step up so that other states may follow.

WICHITA FALLS, TX—Calling it an essential step toward securing the Texas border and protecting his people's way of life, Gov. Rick Perry announced Tuesday the completion of a 1,953-mile wall designed to keep out millions of unwanted Americans.

According to Perry, the 75-foot-high barricade running along the northern boundary is the culmination of more than 160 years of escalating tensions between Texas and the United States.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let's go shopping! Huh? At the National Mall!!!

Is socialism any better? How about communism! That really worked! Why aren't people protesting about how liberty and freedom is being flushed down the toilet!

Those of you out there willing and ready to cast the first stone against the private industry (capitalism) you might want to educate yourself about the corrupt activities of your elected officials. You will quickly learn that this economic mess that we are experiencing was the result of government puppet mastering with private industry at the end of the string. When I say government, I'm not referring just to the current administration, this has been brewing since the early 1990's. Thanks Bill!

What you can expect over the next few months/year. One, government will be promoted as the answer to solve most of the complex social and financial issues. Two, government will become the most educated and experienced medical provider in history. Three, you will experience a bounce in your finacial situation(in some way shape or form) due to the stimulus package(s). Everything will be great! Yeah!

Let me put this in teenager terms. Government will build a new mall for you, a brand new large, shiny, vibrant complex. Inside it will have a grocery, pharmacy, clothing retailers, auto dealership and even urgent care. Everything that you need, one-stop shopping, everything under one roof. Now for the good part, you only have to give 70% of your allowance (paycheck) to be able to access this wonderful facility. The other 30% is yours and feel free to do spend it anywhere. The only problem is the stores in this new mall suck! The clothes are made of wool and come in two colors: Blue and Grey. The grocery has only flour, rice and milk. The pharmacy only has a couple of medicines, asprin and penicilin. The doctors in the urgent care look and act like zombies. And lastly, the auto dealership has two cars, a hybrid in black and an electric in white.

Still want me to drop you off at the mall on Saturday?