Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Everyone wants to talk about the guns!

Everyone wants to talk about the guns going into Mexico, but nobody is talking about the drugs that are coming into the US. It's a fairly simple process: 1. Anyone in almost any community can acquire some sort of illegal substance. 2. The profit from these sales are distributed through a complex network of money laundering and returned to the drug lords in Central and South America. 3. The drug lords use the laundered money to produce more drugs and buy services (people) and devices (guns) to protect their investment. Repeat steps 1,2 & 3. Simple supply chain.

The media and federal government has decided to target Guns! Based off of emotion. Why not use logic and target the root of the problem, Drugs! Or even better (and less expensive to combat) cut off the supply of cash heading South!

1 comment:

Left Coast Rebel said...

Great points here, this reminds me of the Clinton years - any time there was a shooting (schools come to mind), Bill was on the boobtube extolling the virtues of gun control...